We’re delighted to announce our next Teachmeet will will be held in Bray on Thursday 21st April, 2016.
This theme will explore some of the excellent work currently taking place in primary schools around mental health and wellbeing. It will also be an opportunity to examine the inspiring resources available to us which go beyond the simple day-to-day lessons.
So can you share some tantalising tips, sizzling strategies or innovative ideas with us? Or are you looking to be enthused, excited & energised by similar minded educators?
If so, come join us on April 21 at 7:30pm! We may even have a mince pie for you!
Free tickets can now be reserved at our Eventbrite page.
If you’d like to present at the event, have a gander at our Presenters page for more information. Our list of presenters is now confirmed – click here to see who’ll be presenting!
We’d also appreciated if our followers could help us spread the word about the event – tweet using the hashtag #TMireland, and print off this flyer to share with colleagues in your staffrooms!